E.S.R.C. The Elephants EN

E.S.R.C. The Elephants

Play Rugby

Make Elefriends

Drink beer

Want to try rugby?

Contact us to join a Training!

E.S.R.C. The Elephants is a student rugby club founded on October 12, 1972. The members are mostly students of the Technical University Eindhoven and the Fontys Hogeschool. It is a very diverse group of fat/thin/long/small/fast/slow rugby players most of whom started playing rugby during their student days. Also, because of the nature of rugby, there is a close-knit team feeling, which you don’t see in many other sports or clubs.

The student nature of The Elephants is especially evident in the third half and on social evenings with the entire club. After home games we enjoy a few (or more) beers in the clubhouse at the Vijfkamplaan together with the opponent and referee and the unique rugby atmosphere; during the game there is fighting, after the game sociability.
On the last Thursday of the month the club night takes place, with a communal meal before training. After the training we drink well-deserved beers at our local pub La Route. The latest rugby and Elephants news and facts can be read in the newsletter.

The Elephants also have a number of annual social events. These include the New Year’s dinner, song nights, tournaments, a cantus, the championship match and the highlight of each year: the rugby trip to a foreign city.

Elephants actie foto 2023 RCE

What is rugby?

Are you new to rugby and don’t know what it entails? See everything you can expect here!

Introcie 2023 tijdens de introweek


The Elephants has many different committees. Would you like to contribute? Click here to discover them!

Board 51th


An association cannot exist without its board. See who keeps the association running here!

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Who can be found on the field, at the tribal pub or studying at Atlas in a nice green tan.

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Who support each other on the field every week. Through weather and wind.

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Liter beer

Which is enjoyed weekly after training, after a tough game or in the tribal pub.

Long live the Elephants nondeju!

Became enthusiastic? Become a member!